Poster: Courage

It’s been a while since I’ve written any blurbs about quotes from this guy. Do you know who he is? (NOT the penguin in Batman movies) Actually, he’s one of my favorite people in history. His quote today is very timely for me and I hope it’s something that hits home for another just the same. COURAGE isn’t something that always comes easy; sometimes we have to dig deep to find it. COURAGE isn’t always the loudest roar, in fact sometimes it’s the softest or perhaps not even heard at all.

It’s the same for safety. We know the right things to do – let’s just demonstrate the COURAGE to do them and to help others when they aren’t strong enough to go it alone. By the way, let’s celebrate the good things with the same passion we use when we correct our errors.

Today is a GREAT day for safety…

Thanks PT, some leaders have never learned the benefits of listening to others!


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