Cornett's Corner

Poster: Competition and Winning

We’re all competitors at heart. Whether we admit it or not, we all like to win and as well as to be recognized for said win. Some might say it doesn’t matter to them, but it’s maybe because they haven’t felt the feeling of winning. Big deals, important jobs, games, Iron Bowls (RTR), and other competitions are battled regularly and the would be players have to ready themselves for all the potential trials and difficulties. We must get up and stay up throughout the event and most of all play our best on every single play or step of the way.

I hope this sounds familiar!

I’m talking safety again. When we don’t play our best, we ourselves or the people around us get hurt. It’s important that we go after a win every day and that win is simple defined and represented by ZERO INJURIES. ZERO doesn’t just happen – It requires intentional acts of safety to sustain. Everyone can get lucky, but we certainly don’t want to base our victory or our health/happiness on luck.

Today is our next and only opportunity for ZERO.

Thanks for the share, PT!


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