
Poster: CARE

Team –
By now everyone knows I love acronyms. Call it a weird hobby if we must, but I like building them for anything safety. My favorite has always been BSOP; which means Be Safe On Purpose! It’s used by a lot of folks currently as a greeting and/or a parting word. It’s best used in conjunction with a fist bump, just in case we ever get a chance to exchange one. I used to close my emails with it for years hoping that folks would ask me what it meant; which gave me yet another chance to talk safety.
Today I want to share a new one that I just came up with recently. (Actually I introduced it briefly back on Valentine’s Day in Blurb #20 45.) CARE – It’s something we often talk about as a family, as a division, as a company, as a church, as an individual, or as a community.

This is how we demonstrate it…

C – Chat
A – About
R – Relatable
E – Experiences

When we CARE, we talk about and share our personal stories as well as listen to the stories of others. It’s a well know fact, OUR STORIES HAVE BOTH PREVENTIVE AND MEDICINAL POWERS IN THEM. I want to know about you and your family and I’d love to tell you about mine. That’s caring and that’s one of the ways we “LIVE OUR CULTURE” and continue to build upon it through relationships and trust. By the way, let’s forget any stereotypes about caring as a weakness; truth be told, caring actually makes us stronger!

That’s what safety is all about! TODAY is our day for perfection.

Thanks PT for the share!


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