Poster: Be An Example!

We’re not quitters! In fact we’re champions and let’s not forget the proverbial bumps and bruises we obtain on our success journey. As safety champions we experience countless days of injury-free performance. However, we need to remember that there will be tough days, setbacks, bad attitudes, stress, and various other things that challenge our mission – BUT WE CAN’T QUIT!

It’s our job, task, and duty to not only keep the passion for safety, but to be the example for each other; regardless of whether we think others are watching or not. To be a champion we have to plan, practice, and perform like a champion – to be the safest steel manufacturer (or anything else) we also have to plan, practice, and perform like the safest steel manufacture (or anything else). IT’S UP TO US!

Today is a great day for perfect safety execution – let’s accept nothing less!

Thanks for the share, PT!


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