It’s fabulous day and I want to take a quick minute to talk about “grounding.” With all the world’s issues right now, it’s hard to find and maintain our peace. If we let them; problems, issues, concerns, and crisis’ can quickly take control of our attention. In some of my training (a long time ago) I learned to “stay small” in focus. It’s another way to control what we can control and to not let ourselves get overwhelmed by stress and/or fear. This fear I speak of is often called anxiety and believe it or not, it can get the best of us if left unchanged. Shutting down the big picture for a moment to focus on something small is grounding and it works to combat anxiety.

Attention to the task at hand is part of being safe. We can’t merely go through the motions while not focusing on the hazards. Pretty-much everything we do has some level of risk or hazards associated. We have to take care of ourselves as well as our position and condition to remain injury-free. The “world’s greatest anything” requires all of its member’s attention – all of the time. Let’s demonstrate our commitment to safety today through a ZERO-INJURY DAY!

Thanks for everyone’s continued support of safety.

Thanks for the share, PT!


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