Poster: Advice to Wisdom

Last night our audit team went to dinner at a local restaurant and at the end of our meal they brought us a cookie with a message in it. Some of them were silly, but PPs rang true for all of us and he was quick to recognize it’s blurb-worthiness. It’s a life lesson, but everyone knows where I’m going to take it… SAFETY, OF COURSE!!!

We are given good safe advice to drive, to operate equipment, to lock-out/try-out, to do our taxes, to finish our homework, to meet a deadline, and literally thousands of other things, BUT we don’t always profit from it do we? We do for a while; until we get in a hurry, get frustrated, get tired, or grow complacent. For some reason, we sometimes forget the good advice we received in the beginning, that of which we’re able to profit from. Profit in this example is safe performance or ZERO INJURIES.

We have in our culture an expectation of continuous improvement – in fact, our continued safety success demands it. Let’s give and receive advice often, that’s how we improve, and then let’s enjoy the associated profits.


Special thanks to P for allowing me to share his cookie’s message.

Thanks for the share, PT!


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