Here’s another great thought a good friend posted on LinkedIn that I felt would make for a fun blurb. The words speak for themselves and I believe we can all relate. It’s all about making the changes we’d like to see in our life. The fun comes when I spin them a bit for safety’s sake. Here comes our latest “Thurberism.” The 3 C’s in Safety are also Choice, Chance, and Change. ‘We must make the CHOICE to be safe and not wait on CHANCE to bring CHANGE.’ As we all know, Mr. Chance is an alias of our old nemesis Mr. Luck. We all know that the moment we quit practicing safety we’ll stop experiencing it.

Let’s keep it intentional today!

NOTE: By the way, thanks for reading along and for all the comments lately. We’ve had a great year talking about life & safety and I’m looking forward to many more. – Paul

Thanks for the share, PT!


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