The Correct 75 Point Response is:
back from the edge.
Make sure the dump point is level so the truck is not tilted while
Make sure the material in the box is free flowing (Hung material raises
the center of gravity dangerously high.)
Do a pre-shift dump
site inspection,
looking for evidence of unstable ground.
Drive into the dump area with the driver’s side of the truck facing the
dump edge to allow you to look for signs of unstable ground prior to
each dump.
When passing the base of a stockpile, make sure no one is loading out
at the toe.
When possible, check that the stockpile slope is at or below the angle
of repose.
Be sure all dump point berms are in good condition and at least
mid-axle height.
Never use the dump point berm to stop your truck prior to dumping.
Never accelerate rapidly from the dump point berm.