Fatal Summary Updated: 5-31-19

We are almost half way into 2019. It’s time to re-focus on those safety goals! Take the time to reinforce and encourage the positive behaviors and the safe behaviors that you see happening all around you! (you don’t need to be a manager to do this). There was Zero in February and Zero in April, so let’s focus on making it Zero in June! Don’t put it off – start today!

MSHA Fatal #8 – Powered Haulage – SUR Sand & Gravel – Texas:
Preliminary: On Saturday, May 18, 2019, a 34-year-old plant operator with 8 years mining experience was using a man lift basket to clear a cone crusher stoppage at a height of 28 feet. The miner was wearing a fall protection harness and a retractable lanyard, but was not secured/tied-off to the man lift basket. The miner was ejected from the man lift basket to the surface below.

MSHA Fatal #9 – Fall of Rib – UG Coal – Kentucky:
Preliminary: On Wednesday, May 22, 2019. A rib fall killed a Kentucky coal miner.

Something to consider:
Purposely… go find someone today who is doing a great job, doing a job safely, or who is projecting a positive behavior, or someone who is helping someone else be safe…  and brag on them to their face; then, seek out their supervisor and brag to their supervisor about what you observed / how the employee was behaving in a safe manner and helping others to be safe. Let them know you appreciate them working safe and helping others work safe. After all, them working safe creates a safer environment for everyone around them.

Make June a motivation month. I challenge all of you… to not just do it today, but do it every day in June. Search for someone you can provide positive reinforcement. Search for that co-worker, supervisor, sibling, spouse, child, or a complete stranger that you happen upon. Give them a great big smile and a positive genuine compliment, and of course thank them for all they do.

Remember… Zero is possible.

I appreciate everything that all of you do to make mining a safer profession.

Have a wonderful day.

Click here for the updated fatal summary (doc).

Click here for the updated fatal summary (PDF).

Thanks for the share, BA!


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