Fatal Summary: Updated 12-29-17

Coal Fatal #15 – Machinery – SUR – West Virginia – Friday, December 29, 2017

Something to Consider for a New Year’s Resolution: 

Develop SOP’s (JSA/JTA) that your task trainers can use like a lesson plan to teach from.

  • Set a goal… such as… Tackle at least 1 Task a month.
  • Review the training materials you have for the  task.
  • Bring in the people (the experts) who perform that task to advise and help you develop/revise the material.
  • Use the operator’s manual and company policy as a reference or to guide you if one exists.
  • Brainstorm with your group on all the duties that are involved in the task.
  • Then, brainstorm on all the hazards and ways to protect themselves while performing each duty of the task.
  • If you want, you could write down next to each of those a page number from the operators manual and/or any company policy references that may apply (or 30 CFR reference).
  • Ask them what are the biggest hazards they encounter when performing this task?  Be sure those get put in the SOP; bold or highlight it to make it stand out.
  • Create a check list the task trainer can use. Remember to use their words as much as possible and make it easy for everyone to read and use (be sure you bold or highlight those biggest hazards).
  • Try it out… have a few of the experts task train each other using it (even though they may not need task training) – this would be a way of providing them guided practice on how to teach someone the task.
  • Reward everyone who helped you.  Brag on them; display what they created and brag on it.
  • Maybe make it a challenge/reward… For the weeks following have those workers who performed that task, review the duties list and determine if they performed any duties of the task that was not listed.  If they did, find out from your experts what is involved in performing the duty and what do they do to protect themselves while performing it.   And, of course, reward the workers who finds any duty or hazard that wasn’t listed.
  • And, don’t put it on a shelf and forget about it… place it where anyone can get it.  Teach them where to find it.
  • Teach them how to use it (let them have guided and independent practice at using it), and encourage them to use it.  Remember – they probably haven’t been taught how to teach.  Remind the task trainers to follow up from time to time to check how their student is doing.  After training is complete and the trainee has performed the task for a while, have the task trainer inquire what the he the trainer could have done better during training (from the trainee), so he can work on becoming an even better task trainer.
  • Then, the following month… pick a different task.
  • Before you know it, every task will be completed, and you’ll have a set of SOP’s that everyone will know how and want to use.

If you’re not working in a position that allows you to do this, do it as an individual for the job you perform. Challenge yourself to come up with all the different duties and tasks of your job. Make a list. Include all the safety measures you need to take or that you want your loved one to take if they were performing the job. You can do it. I believe in you!

I wish everyone a Safe and Happy New Year!!

Please find attached the updated fatal summary.

Click here for the updated fatal summary (doc).

Click here for the updated fatal summary (PDF).

Thanks for the share, BA!


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