
Closing Coal Plants Is Becoming Big Business and a Disaster for Consumers

Closing Coal Plants Is Becoming Big Business and a Disaster for Consumers Posted to Energy February 15, 2021 by Syd S. Peng If…

3 years ago

Fact Check: Kerry’s Green Jobs Comparison to Coal’s Falls Short

To download the fact check on Kerry's green jobs comparison, click here. Thanks for the share, KE!

3 years ago

The Green New Steal

To download the article, The Green New Steal, click here. Thanks for the share, KE!

3 years ago

March Mine Disasters/Rescues

Successful Mine Rescues in March 1912 — Following an explosion and cave-in, a total of 25 workmen were rescued after…

3 years ago

Spon Com Event Australia

Out in the Western U.S. it seemed we had about 5 spon com events a year, heating events and you…

3 years ago

Will Texas Blackout Offer Coal a Lifeline?

Will Texas blackout offer coal a lifeline? Benjamin Storrow, E&E News reporter Published: Monday, February 22, 2021 Texas' electric grid…

3 years ago

California Mine Becomes Key Part of Push to Revive US Rare Earths Processing

In 2021, a more than 70-year-old mine in California’s Mojave Desert will become the center of an effort to revive…

3 years ago

Avondale Colliery Coal Mine Fire 1868, from Lawyers, Guns & Money

To download the article about the Avondale Colliery Coal Mine Fire 1868, from Lawyers, Guns & Money, click here. Thanks…

3 years ago

Coal Rescues U.S. Power Grid During Polar Vortex

Coal rescues U.S. power grid during Polar Vortex By Terry Jarrett Guest columnist Another winter, another cold snap. Right…

3 years ago

New Acting MSHA Head

Biden appoints Jennette Galanis as acting head of MSHA February 18, 2021 JOE BIDEN MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION SAFETY…

3 years ago

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