
Is Fracking Good Or Bad?

Is Fracking Good Or Bad? Why Fracking Is An Emotionally-Charged Issue For Americans Fracking of oil and gas wells is…

3 years ago

Coal Workers Union Doesn’t Always Represent Coal Worker Values

Coal workers union doesn't always represent coal worker values by Salena Zito, National Political Reporter GRAYSVILLE, Pennsylvania — When coal…

3 years ago

Kewanee Illinois Mining History

In early Kewanee, Coal was king Star Courier When the purchasing committee for the Wethersfield colonists arrived in 1836 to…

3 years ago

Unions Sell Out Their Own Workers for the Biden Energy Plan

Another pro-President Joe Biden union just told its rank-and-file members: Sorry, guys, you are all fired. Last week, the United…

3 years ago

Report Pinpoints Billions in Available US Funds to Revive Coal Country

To download the article, "Biden Administration Outlines Key Resources to Invest in Coal and Power Plant Community Economic Revitalization," click…

3 years ago

Industrial-Scale Intermittent Wind Power: Recognizing its Unreliability Before we Spend Billions

To download the article, "Industrial-scale intermittent wind power: recognizing its unreliability before we spend billions," click here. Thanks KE… Seriously,…

3 years ago

Biden takes on Dems’ ‘Mission Impossible’: Revitalizing Coal Country

Biden takes on Dems’ ‘Mission Impossible’: Revitalizing coal country Despite deep skepticism from union allies, Democrats are determined to make…

3 years ago

Guideline for the Management of Diesel Engine Pollutants in Underground Environments

To download the Guideline for the Management of Diesel Engine Pollutants in Underground Environments, click here. Thanks for the share,…

3 years ago

Green Hydrogen

Most Hydrogen Is A “Climate Killer”: Enel Executive By Charles Kennedy - Mar 25, 2021 “Today, hydrogen is anything but…

3 years ago

Foam for Abandoned Coal Mine Fires

To download the article, "Foam for Abandoned Coal Mine Fires," click here. Thanks for the share, PMJ!

3 years ago

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