Daily Quotes

Quote of the Day

“Carefulness costs you nothing. Carelessness may cost you your life.” – Safety saying, circa early 1900s  

3 months ago

Today’s Quote

“Do not think because an accident hasn’t happened to you that it can’t happen.” – Safety saying, circa early 1900s

3 months ago

Toolbox Talk Tuesday

Toolbox Talk Tuesday: “Different Controls on Similar Equipment” This bulletin looks at equipment controls and the lack of consistency among…

3 months ago

Today’s Quote

“You don’t need to know the whole alphabet of Safety. The a, b, c of it will save you if…

3 months ago

Today’s Quote

“Safety brings first aid to the uninjured.” – F.S. Hughes

3 months ago

Today’s Quote

“Never stop investing … never stop learning” – Captain Sully, at the SafetyCulture Virtual Summit. (Check out Made Extraordinary Summit…

3 months ago

Today’s Quote

“Safety saves sickness, suffering, sadness.” – Safety saying, circa early 1900s  

3 months ago

Today’s Quote

“One earnest worker can do more by personal suggestion to prevent accidents than a carload of safety signs.” – Making…

3 months ago

Today’s Quote

“Every accident is a notice that something is wrong with men, methods, or material — investigate — then act.” –…

3 months ago

Today’s Quote

“Accidents hurt, safety doesn’t.” – Author unknown

3 months ago

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