Daily Quotes

Today’s Quote

"Everybody in business shares one universal problem: To succeed you have to persuade others to support your vision, dream, or…

2 years ago

Today’s Quote

"Calm mind brings inner strength and self-confidence, so that’s very important for good health." --Dalai Lama

2 years ago

Driving in the Rain: Safety and Health Topic for Week of June 23, 2008

Appropriate for most parts of the country right now. To download the document on driving in the rain, click here.…

2 years ago

Today’s Quote

"The secret of staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age." --Lucille Ball

2 years ago

Today’s Quote

"Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have…

2 years ago

Today’s Quote

"We are taxed twice as much by our idleness, three times as much by our pride, and four times as…

2 years ago

Today’s Quote

"He who makes no mistakes never makes anything." --English Proverb

2 years ago

Today’s Quote

"Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections, but instantly set about remedying them." --St. Francis de Sales

2 years ago

Today’s Quote

"[Time] is a limited resource, and so it’s so important that we are aware of it, and that we mark…

2 years ago

Today’s Quote

"Money may be the husk of many things, but not the kernel. It brings you food, but not appetite; medicine,…

2 years ago

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