Cornett’s Corner

Tornado Safety

Tornado Hits Rig Near El Reno, Oklahoma.Click here for an important presentation with photos on the dangers of Tornados. EL RENO…

1 year ago

Today’s Quote

"Money isn't the most important thing in life, but it's reasonably close to oxygen on the 'gotta have it' scale."…

1 year ago

Clear Communication From a Humorous Perspective

Following are actual headlines that have appeared in various newspapers during the past 6 months: Some humorous headlines here to…

1 year ago

NCS Safety Congress & Expo

NCS Safety Congress & Expo- New Orleans, LS- October 20-25, 2023. Last Chance to Save- Register by Spetember 8, 2023.…

1 year ago

Interesting Weather Statistics by City

Top 10 cities with least weather variety Based on temperature variation, precipitation, wind, severe weather 1. San Francisco, California 2.…

1 year ago

PowerPoint: Sling out of Harm’s Way

Sling out of Harm's Way Sometimes chains are needed to accomplish something quickly. like towing a disabled vehicle or dragging…

1 year ago

Today’s Quote

"What we have once enjoyed we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes a part of us." ~…

1 year ago

Workplace Stress- OSHA

Workplace Stress- Make Work Better- Mental Health Matters  Stress can be harmful to our health and increase mental health challenges.…

1 year ago

More Teens Are Being Injured At Work- S&H

Maine DOL says more teens are being injured at work- Safety & Health Magazine, August 21, 2023 Augusta, ME —…

1 year ago

Personal Protective Equipment: The Pains of Staying Pain-Free OH&S

Personal Protective Equipment: The Pains of Staying Pain-Free What PPE challenges are professionals facing, and how can they be solved?…

1 year ago

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