Cornett’s Corner

Toolbox Talk: Habits For Personal Development

“Habits For Personal Development” 1. Acknowledge the lesson is every situation. – Everything is a life lesson. Everyone you meet,…

1 year ago

Today’s Quote

"We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand."  Randy Pausch

1 year ago

Team Exercise, Drinking Cup

Click here for the Drinking Cup Team Exercise. After I read the "Team Building Exercise" from TC I thought about…

1 year ago

NSC Newsletter

Still Time to Sign up for Spring Safety Conference & Expo Join us in Indianapolis May 17-19 for the inaugural…

1 year ago

Safety Tidbits

Click here for the Safety Tidbits The Elephant Rope As a man was passing the elephants, he suddenly stopped, confused…

1 year ago

Today’s Quote

The Courage of Integrity (anonymous source) "The highest courage is to dare to be yourself in the face of adversity.…

1 year ago

Working in Construction – NIOSH

Working in Construction The NIOSH Construction Program aims to protect construction workers and prevent work-related injury, illness, disability, and death.…

1 year ago

Real-Time DPM Measurement as a Maintenance Tool: The Australian Experience

Click here for more information. Thanks for the share PMJ!

1 year ago

Listening Team Building Exercise

Listening Test Team Exercise Communication is the foundation to teamwork.  This test combines listening and teaming skills.  In the first…

1 year ago

Today’s Quote

"Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank…

1 year ago

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