Ask Bob

Special Edition Group Request Seeking Help Getting to Trapped Miner in Colombia

Dear members, I hope that you and your family are fine. In my last visit to the ANM, Mrs Gloria…

4 years ago

Group Request on Infectious Disease Work Plan

From a group member: Has anyone in the group developed an Infectious Disease/COVID 19 Work Plan for their company/work place…

5 years ago

Group Request on Policies & Procedures for Mining Through Old Mine Workings

From a group member: Please ask the group if anyone has any policies and/or procedures for mining through old, abandoned…

6 years ago

Group Request for Safety Video of Crane Dropping Yacht Due to Shackles Being too Small for Lift

From a group member: Can you help me with this - I need a safety video of crane dropping yacht…

6 years ago

Group Request on PHA vs JSA

Please, I am open for discussion… What is the difference (if any) in a PHA (Process Hazard Analysis) and JSA…

7 years ago

Group Request on Hydrogen Sulfide

From a group member: By chance do you have anything on the new Hydrogen Sulfide standard ANSI/ASSE Z390.1-2017? All help…

7 years ago

Group Request for Training Materials on Beryllium

From a group member: Do you have any training materials on Beryllium? All help appreciated. I have nothing on this…

7 years ago

Group Request on Moving Underground Equipment

From a group member: Our company is closing soon and planning to remove all equipment and most infra-structure. My plan…

7 years ago

Group Request on Lithium Battery Safety, Storage and Shipping

From a group member: Do you have any information on lithium battery safety, storage and shipping you can send me?…

7 years ago

Group Request on Site Report Audit Form Word Document

From a group member: Good Monday Morning. I was wondering if you had any information or examples of how to…

7 years ago

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