I know we share humor from time to time and in reality it is serious behind the humor. Now take this for example. I know it is the wrong time of year for this one, but it truly is a great presentation, but…. I do find it ironic it comes from a close friend … in Wyoming… in the middle of winter… and barring puddles and farm ponds, Wyoming is 1500 miles from any real body of water (ok, I’ll give you Glendo and that little pond over by Rock Springs).

With all y’all Californios and Floridians in this group, does it take someone from WYOMING to give us water safety?  I am humbled.

PG, I feel your pain over the winters in Wyoming


Now that you are in the land of warmth, you probably forgot that it will be winter here for six more months. During this period of inactivity, we put together all sorts of power point presentations. This one doesn’t have much applicability right now for us but maybe there will be in a month or two.

Also, I am using this neat little program, NX Power light. I recommend that our members and especially our leader, install this program. It is less than $100 and reduces power point presentations to 10% of their original size. Once it has been reduced, you can ship, view and print without restoring the power point to it’s original size. The program does not alter the power point only the storage. Once a person modifies a slide, the presentation resumes it’s previous size.

I put together a little presentation on boating safety, if you want to use it when the weather warms up for any safety meetings. Click here to view the PowerPoint.

Thanks for the share, Esther!



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